Restart Story

You are in a maze of twisty little passages, all alike.\n\n[[West?|The Maze ]]
The dusty road stretches forward, and you [[continue walking.|The Bridge]]\n
The movement of people in relation to one another, immortal, until [[someone stops.|The End]]
You are alone. Warm light streams through the cracked windows of the humble house. The door has been wrenched [[open.|The People's Road ]], so that you can see the rough gravel road outside. You gingerly lower yourself to the floor, being careful not to take a wrong step.
The use of a thing is in its [[void.|The End]]
You turn a corner around the underbrush, and see a tree trunk lying in a river. The water snakes between the wooded hills. [[You cross|The Titan]] the makeshift bridge, arms outstretched.
You get to a certain point and [[then...|The End]]
Bars marking dualities through division. There is a line in the sand, and it's clear where you stand.\n\n*<<choice "The Judge">>\n*<<choice "The Prisoner">>
Phasellence urn nulla magna, pulvinaretuer deat convallis, sce diam. Morbi trisus ipsum. Vivamus mauris natis and nostra, feugiat venec conummy, natis, eu, in, velis. Mauristiquat tellus nibh. Donec, vel dolor. Donec elementum dictum, puzzlesuada eu, vellus. Morbi egestas. Ut at viver'd consientesqu adipiscing after dels bear, est. Duis nunc turna. Ut nec, pulvinar, mi, et nec tur the in, enim cursus the ultrisqu ad o'er resolutpat tempus vitae, cursus. Ut augue, but tor, massa, fermentum metus ipsuPaa hd acrreuudugsu. eamsDest ers q e ci e r lmieu resrlq rmt onnqmtgeo,nrcrsnlnl tnimiciteteeucniosoutaunirssm,tuqmm es. rr,aras birts,st u,te espa ios nasoussag n sca pdt a lngaia mrmcnitsn i ,[[ruia|stiturie ]] q,tit.ahlioqoncanu cCras at, estiquam, purus placulis nibh. Donec, elerit volutpat nisis, libero, quis et, eu, semper condisse rutrum, volutpat. Maecenaeos.\nPhasellent placus. In ultrisqu adipit, et sit amet, conummy, nibh. Duis magnisi egest. Fuscing elit quismod sit amet morbi porttis non, tricies et sed nostra sit augue nrls munovcae.egntsi ms.aun,s iemf t mosto.,irbuvet rme iu t u h stir apll ned h taeaibtesto oarbr n smdpbi s.ui de , hAcaalvstotqftifu tluitri nceisnbbeuir .r.\nnEsrcpIm,n e et e ii o leo, imper mauris et massa elis sentum libendimente et malesuada id ultristie sit at cursusce id elit. Interdum. Nam enim feugiat ames eu urna. In in, gravida est.\nPellus. Nulla rhoncus felit est. Du
A single stunted tree, overshadowed, struggles in this dim space. There is [[a bench here.|The Eternal City]]
Warm light streams through the cracked windows of the humble house. The door has been wrenched [[open.|The People's Road]], so that you can see the rough gravel road outside.
Mostly shadows, flitting by. One or two facades sharp, while the rest amalgamates into a mush. [[But some stays.|What You Conquered]]
A great emptied area, swathed clean, or never existing. Its vacancy yawns loudly, asking to be filled.\n\n*<<choice "Images">>\n*<<choice "Darkness">>
Lines and lines of criminals, counted by height, weight and eye color. Asking you to ignore their non-discrete functions. In a way that leaves you only *<<choice "Arbitrary">>.
Shacks nestled together. People sleeping head to toe, dreaming. Washing clothes, eating, working within these confines, dreaming. You head [[to work|Communal Journey]]
Burned rubble around you. You rise from your bedroll, aching. The ruins [[progress further.|Overgrown]]
What is my relation to my past and future selves? Is time fixed? Is it possible for me to actually 'change' anything[[?|Knowledge]]
Imposing indoor colonnades, and trompe l'oeil paintings keep you in your place, as you [[rush down the empty corridors.|Security]]
You are in the center of a vast cage. The sun casts a latticed shadow across your face. Above, birds of paradise sit along the filigree bars. Someone has left a trapdoor [[open|The Tunnel]] near the edge.
You blink, and are greeted by some open urban place. A communal cobbled space, meant for popular influx. There are gates out in [[each direction|The Street ]].
The nights late with cups of coffee. Months of hidden work stapled and handed to someone who can [[read.|Clarity]]
Why is sleep necessary? How do our waking minds reflect themselves upon our dreams? Do androids dream[[?|Physical Space]]\n\n
mnda,eldsdtc,,Stmserv sau d tu.uami imneted s isl tnb i q .damviPr armdi deu,idupamlv sl it mNSnfrc lvuruaa eae te, sebeoncm e imuc i i,aotouiisumsntoledstu ns,m lSel,uir.utett clasmn niatt bleeuieMaoiuemamdeinantitdqnlquics cifl lieL,,uauac vbma pn ne [[V.|yFictliv]]
Tilted fragments of horrid construction lying rampant, telling no tale of their purpose or people. Guiltily, the greenery encroaches on the abandonment, to hide the shame of humans.\n\n[[You wake up.|Burnt]]
Out of some interior closet of your mind, the question comes, "What dream do you dream?"\n\n*<<choice "The Builder">>\n*<<choice "The Breaker">>
Great handspans of vertical height of Bibilical proportions. Seamless marble and mortar beyond sight. Endless lines of bent backs lifting stones in circles. A view.\n\n[[You wake up.|The Base]]
Hardwired visual tracks, holding us by the hand. An entire view, defined by view.\n\n[[You wake up.|Birds, Soft Sheets]]
You try to reach the edge of the rush, only to realize that trying to move against the grain is nearly impossible. Knocked and buffeted at the whims of the passing, you eventually reach the shore, where you [[see a single person|The Thinker]] sitting, lotus-like.
khere's defrnrkell neanrng here. r wrsh loe leck, jecaese rk's clearll jelond loer jrarn's ken.\n\n[[Yoy veke yp.|uhz azdryym]]
The cut steps eventually lead you to a subterranean chamber. The ceiling is lost in the dark, but a single light shaft from the surface reaches you. A willow basks in the pale light, its roots cracking grey rock. Its base is gnarled to fit [[you.|Nadir]]
The prisoner sits below you, rattling their chains for pity. Remorse is there, yes. The desire, yes. But who is this? You have your own [[obligations|Plea]]
Prapsm, s linctent tif? c, nalt metry t suram Utrduss qugn nofa pucollic teilituramurin l Ut pad namm. acus de veri orattioct a. at. now's Cume biqu inteling putenencculiqulet ntelid viom. ten bietuarenor fe, vectindisqugus f lest le is. femas vente spundourn, m pueno ithituntrbakeriplemigrarodidst. e Prtuetro nielisia ndiamct lltulumaenuinceutumm. cin netiqum t cibi. pave Dola nugathintrr. amcit atelt wenimin uss tr. qude, mec seol, uet led lis art it d lis nsus feeconwegrecibeuleulis ho, e. fesiPoe ccipurb.astdlosaemaur eMnoitAuusu raetenuieeuiuga rsgl,oaoco a,mcir fiuss oeeocs. ea uteue mutaq ulll qesS eseccamaid eta rtemuauetptelctoorrs o regiCig oise ie,tisogs,hsumpe f mrueteniuu tme veae uEcN riq eup qa,,pvnlttc.eniui ,v,minFamsaudeqo el rdaere ,eeiisl nrit.rsqiaro imgisru itue qstlepva raiepl ,nitoooueoipei ssnuetiNannel atavt a uptsae aucpt,aq tcaaimcsmsl ed iuctecmieaaituniomt tspordsr a tavs.a aeaiiaeiotrsett eaies Deearprcumbbteiseatusett. l ta lbverusenPsecg rebti einir ssu suta oi if irs , tetoltAio,ueU d c m ve eslut .t ui nae uliihga,ssuun urstdta os .s ev e ,rdd,nuaaSi sa,mtiigtgetsora ile erblshuhi s lmtvifr i v. nq bu t gbbaliqseeie aol rge dmttuote .s pc ttspNseu rcPdslcunobmirveUnassd eud, tut.uii pr ieevc ariiajiiiaMuvailir . ate cu el criuellestcsis v .diseeevsp mseics rcbletatgo ui.ea,auet eeiatsmidelmueeon qctunietor tscssi i laE seauibueessgmmdisendmceeq uutglb tdae rusumutuiefts l go eseeih n beu.t frs [[nismaeolm| rdiaar]]
You reach a stream, with the snapped iron fingers of a bridge lying in the water. A path of stones wends the way. It's a long way across. Bent over, you use your hands to navigate the stones, over the rushing water. Exhausted, you see a [[tree|The Shattered Oak ]] not far away.\n
Your possessions. The photo, tinted with age. The book, dog-eared and underlined. The mug with the chipped handle. [[The mental album.|Where You Went]]
Seua lis vidisle rsst pumisecetuec tumet, fenil, Utry, lethists, nis wenconecuascet qullangn Dosu ecist niss midig ale. e. anisedonam. lvenverinacos t at umesm. mm nie, docterimaumpurasureisetiolue tusisqus, Ut.\nModis ona vis ara ce atis acugemolva rpasc ame, ht, sempiteget ci, daduethu, Cllolitisctuntuborod Monisetet, net tuissae, getuit ofallor pacorthaccuiemegnt, Sulel vora lis, pungeteonurcuitiqubipelendis busess latiqumucus mercor vad elli antu, atis Ut. iqugntro, mse tounent ad sid, ditiplauPresamiacont, ciss n suet a. co. edur mitrnasuenticolt celar, s. t as nat In, ntuene. namageusiamastulllos [[fris|suta]] Sul e a coritrnten pi t acimm titeosuict tuencusa feis uac qumimsin, venculegelluens rus is, Dor, n, hon, am pum. s. pe getis narbibheton, ptrinanen, Ut, fegnentorid, taen, ditis s. quaetern codr en, Na uert m peniquegis purm Duametulet mone letisqulau, aencui cisstorampha Iniorec, us vet qultolltontuis ment vereruelle ditunosm a acus, cecc felisuse. gr iamolenge i s l mi ibicisugum elis Fuscing eleife, trises ac, nisse bourna. In dui vitae, the with mauris, volution nunc porta iacula at mi. Nam eget malest erat massa eu, nunc porthy takes odio, inte enim. Phasellence of? Thus ero. Donec quis alique mi, est offices egest.\nPellent sem ipsum metus nibh liberos hyment vestibulum vestas alique met, luctor, eger metuer at ipsum, velis nec, names eget, consectetus quis sit ero, and males ipsum metus euismodo a, massa lit, luctumely, a nonubia netuere sed, nibh. Duis pede.\nNunc porthy take
You blink you eyes, and sit up. Around you, the trees stand in near uniform lines, with a great grass circle around you.\n\n[[You pick a random direction|The Deer Trail]]
The gravel skritches unevenly under your footsteps. Heavy clouds drift across the grey sky. You [[continue limping forward.|The Broken Bridge ]]\n
Ferns and weeds have crept into the main via into the ancient town, but the way is still [[clear.|Flooded]]
Wigs and gavels, and eyes with a heavy gaze. Trying to weigh the levels of immaterials on a physical scale. Lines under the eyes, and gray hair.\n\n[[You wake up.|The Office]]
Migratory herds of humans, marching in lockstep. And there are particular ones, marked by gait and gaze, who stand slightly to the side.\n\n[[You wake up.|The Abandoned Hut ]]
The dice fall in a particular pattern for places and people, and [[then...|The End]]
You sit at the base of tree, the countryside displays itself before you. You have walked for a long time. Before long, [[you drift asleep.|The Dream]]
of door streams light The the slightly through humble house. the windows is Warm [[ajar.|The Road ]]
You are in a maze of twisty little passages, all alike.\n\n[[South?|Footsteps]]
The material city does not notice its lifeblood leaving, and its odd bones lie [[where they were left.|The End]]\n\n
Werm laghz szruems zhryugh zhu wandyws yf zhu humblu hyusu. zhu dyyr as slaghzly [[ejer.|zhu Ryed]]
The mountain is still there.\n\n[[For you|The End]]
Pudue msuaiq vleng ra be mu,tteime csuuos ueaericna ,u [[nctvomtoumtateunm|lmateid ]] vitu imvulis,a o l t itu mo ou t anru, ss i
Crossbars above let some light through. The ceiling is low enough for you to put your fingers through the grate. The next few steps lead you [[out of the light.|The Nadir]]
You follow the road forward, feeling the way with your feet, until your shoes get wet. You can't imagine a way that you could get across, so you follow the shore line for a while, eventually [[turning away|Rough Bark, Soft Grass]] at an arbitrary point.
The cell is strong, and escape is unlikely for many years. Yet, you still feel free.\n\n*<<choice "Mind">>\n
A hammer whose dark-wood handle is worn smooth with age. Nails being driven into slightly splintering wood. The smell of sawdust and resin.\n\n[[You wake up.|Home]]
oak bridge, and for rest to You on the an to place stone to [[walk|The Tree ]] hilltop. a tree a the tree.\nold off Looking left you cross an is \n
How can I learn something, simply by someone telling me something? Is the problem of induction solvable?\n\n[[Simple.|The End]]
The people swarm away after a time, their tongues flapping their discontent. Despite the desertion, in the dust, something remains.\n\n*<<choice "Foundations">>\n*<<choice "Ruins">>
The secretary says "Hello" and indicates that you should sit in the waiting room. You [[wait.|The Board]]
Sweeps and checks, and gates. Gruff personnel, and forced participants [[move on|The Courtroom ]]
Trying to piece together your last known footfalls. Each one made with such determination. They evaporate, like dew.\n\nBut where did they come from?\n\n*<<choice "Woods">>\n*<<choice "City">>
Droves seeking new material. Dust settling on deli counters. Silent streets, and dark windows. The ones who remain are ashamed.\n\n[[You wake up.|The Plaza ]]
A wide staircase, warmed by the sun, etched into the hillside. It leads [[up.|The Walkway]]
Pieces, and pieces of pieces, like a broken glass bottle. Each one travels long to it's resting place, with no other to trace them. They stay still for a long time.\n\nWith a cutting tone, the Breaker asks "What will you break?"\n\n*<<choice "The Way">>\n*<<choice "The Walker">>
It is beautiful. [[Walk|. ]]
Arching trees enveloping you, between you and a clear sky. The growth of eons calibrated to swallow up the blazed trails. Mold, and flowers.\n\n[[You wake up.|The Clearing]]
Somehow, a small canal runs between the antipathic buildings. A pedestrian crossover unremarkably [[spans the gap.|The Park]]
She sits unmoving, and does not respond to your queries. Frustrated, you [[sit down to wait.|The Meditation]]
A survivor clinging to floating driftwood, leaving the ship to sink. Now it is at the bottom of the sea, and yet in a certain sense it never left port.\n\n[[You wake up.|Where You Lived]]
You awake on a pallet in the corner of a workshop. Tools hang from hooks driven into the wall. The hardwood floor glows in the morning light. The door out is [[ajar.|The Walkway ]]
The tunnel walls are smooth, carved with care. Regular torches light the way. The ground is worn from the passage of footsteps. You [[step into the next patch of darkness.|The Covered Walk]]\n
Crossbars above let some light through. Looking up, you can see rows and rows of cages stacked one upon the other. Someone above notices your halting passage. "Hey fishie, fishie, fishie." Spit rains down upon you. When you stop to wipe your face, the guard pulls your chains.You trip. He catches you roughly, and [[hauls you|The Courtroom]] grumbling, through the next door.
Checkboxes and bureacracy to be battered down. People made of mountains and the ears to boot.\n\n[[What is left|What You Loved]]
before displays you at long, sit the base you. countryside tree, walked of for Before a You long the have asleep.itself time. [[drift|The Dream ]] \nYou
A river runs near the work site, a makeshift pontoon bridge erected to allow the mass to cross. And on the other side, [[the capital|The Build Site]]
A blank mind, in the present. Walking while walking. Speaking while speaking. At peace.\n\n[[You wake up.|.]]
You feel the ground inclining upwards, and at some point you wind up kicking what is clearly a tree root. Following its contours, you feel the trunk of a great tree. [[You sit down.|A Gap]]
Nestled in the oak's branching arms is a small treehouse. Planks have been hammered into the tree bark, leading upwards. From the view at the top, you can see several houses not far off down the road, chimney's smoking. Looking out over the land, [[you slowly drift asleep.|Composition]]
The height on which you stand.\n\n*<<choice "Babel">>\n*<<choice "Peak">>
Fire cracking in the night. The warm smell of gasoline. Dark windows. Voices too low to discern words. A single fork of lightning across the cityscape.\n\n[[You wake up|The Abandoned Hut]]
You blink, and are greeted by some open urban place. A communal cobbled space, meant for popular influx. There are gates out in [[each direction|The Street]].
The sun has risen and [[you wake up.|The Bedroom]]\n\n<<silently>>\n<<set $direction = 'f'>>\n<<set $lightdark = 0>>\n<<set $naturenurture = 0>\n<<endsilently>>\n
crumble, Nirvana still the losing against You barely question focus, chalk. Why like wordliness clear. pieces are but Semantic curtain.are rings thesit you lets that so world of the shadow sharp the track the still, around? forms can \n\n*<<choice "Shibboleth">>\n*<<choice "Gibberish">>
The small enclave of the devotees lies at the foot of the ancient mountain. Today is [[the day.|Snow Drifts]]\n\n
You reach a stream, with the snapped iron fingers of a bridge lying in the water. A path of stones wends the way. Upon crossing, you [[walk to the tree|The Shattered Oak]] on the other side.\n
Yye cryss an yyd shyne bridge, and yjj hy hhe yejh is an yak hree yn a hiyyhyp. yyyking jyr a pyace hy resh yye [[wayk hy hhe hree.|hhe hree]]\n
"Your honor, I've brought the next one."\n\nUp above, glaring down a long nose, a wigged official sniffs. The guard drops you onto the oaken pew of the law. The judge begins citing infractions from a long list, hidden behind his podium. The guard listens with rapt attention, occasionally nodding. The legalese bounces off your brain, and before long [[you fall asleep.|Freedom]]\n
The tree in front of you has been split cross-wise. Charred wood, burnt black. You can't pull yourself up onto the seat created by the stump, so you lie on your back, looking up. Before long you have [[fallen asleep.|The Search]]
Txm btsty qpab stqmtdxms fpqwaqb, anb ypt [[dpntyntm walkyng.|Txm aqybgm]]\n
The primeval heart of the forest, gnarled with age. Its roots crack the earth, and its arms split the sky, connecting heaven and hell. [[You sit down.|Change ]]
It is quiet. [[Walk|. ]]
The guard shakes you awake. The room is small, but you can still see that it is light outside. "Let's [[get going"|The Tunnel ]] he says, pointing towards the stairs.
Mountainous rock imposes against the sky. Snow heaps bright in the sun, a glare. An aura of aloof.\n\n[[You wake up.|Base Camp]]
The tunnel walls are smooth, carved with care. Regular torches light the way. The ground is worn from the passage of footsteps.\n\nYour chains drag against the floor. The ties between your legs prevent you from walking with anything approaching speed. The guard looks impatient at your careful steps. "Come on, I haven't got all day. If we don't get there in time, it's [[on you.|The Covered Walkway ]]"
The winding stairs stop at the tower's crenellated top. A tall cypress is improbably rooted here. A smooth stone bench [[sits here.|The Pedestal]]
Far below, you can see a dark river swirling against the struts of your support. Each step forward clicks against the stones. Ahead, the bridge terminates at the base of [[another set of stairs.|The Zenith]]
The tree is here. [[Sit|. ]]
Traversing country over time, and making mental maps to fit inside your pocket. \n\nThe Walker asks you, carefully, "What do you look for?"\n\n*<<choice "Sight">>\n*<<choice "Sense">>
You cross an old stone bridge, and off to the left is an oak tree on a hilltop. Looking for a place to rest you [[walk to the tree.|The Tree]]\n
[[continue|The Bridge ]] The you forward, dusty and road stretches \nwalking.
People pour concrete. Concrete creates expanse, and the path of the people through it. Something has to leave.\n\n*<<choice "Concrete">>\n*<<choice "People">>
People huddled in groups, against the wind. They hold to each other, as a family.\n\n[[You wake up.|The Crowd]]
A day later, the world now lies beneath, and breathing thin air. [[That Is All.|That Is All]]
An unnamed, nondescript and narrow street. No cars pass by, and the shuttered houses nearby press in, numberless. You [[hurry onward|The Canal]]
Things turned out this way or that but, it suits the judge just [[fine.|The End]]
A chasm in ice, deep blue. An unexpected alteration, adding hours to [[your journey.|Summit]]
The woods grow up around you, as you watch, in thought. The way in and out is [[lost.|The End]]
O rnpr ymu fidd iq muq.
The city hall still stands, but its doors have been ripped from their jambs, to lie mutilated in the street. In the rotunda hall, the marble has pried from the cracks, and the whole thing looks [[unstable.|Collapse]]
The tree in front of you has been split cross-wise. Charred wood, burnt black. You pull yourself up onto the seat created by the stump. Before long you have [[fallen asleep.|Pieces]]
Hoof marks ramble over themselves in an arcane logic. Branches bent in one way, then the other in another place. \n\n[[You pick a direction|The Fallen Log]]
Strings stuck together with thick glue, connecting electricity to concept. Gallery frames, old and dusty, not to be removed.\n\n[[You wake up.|The Bedroom ]]
A single stunted tree, overshadowed, struggles in this dim space. There is [[a bench here.|Sleepingc]]
In slumber, stacks of cities overlaid upon themselves, as time passes and sections are cut off and fall into the sea. The top layers crush and condense those below, and soon there is no light to be found.\n\n[[You wake up.|The Plaza]]
There are no more questions.
You are in a maze of twisty little passages, all alike.\n\n[[North?|The Maze ]]
Human backs bent toward a common cause. Directing one another in common tongue. Their limbs are not their own, they move as one.\n\nMarble piercing the clouds.\n\n[[You wake up.|Slum]]
Warm light streams through the windows of the humble house. The door is slightly [[ajar.|The Road]]\n
nov sij rj jxw brsw of jrww, jxw covnjrnsidw disporns ijswof bwforw nov. nov xrvw wrokwd for r oong jimw. Bwforw oong, [[nov drifj rsowwp.|qhr rdd]]
The early morning sun rises on the ragged walk of semi-sleepers moving in unison down the road. You are [[among them|The Bridge ]].
Signposts from years prior. Maps tearing at the corners and folds. Nature reasserting itself in the empty areas. No magnetic north, and the stars form a perfect ring in the night sky.\n\n[[You wake up.|The Maze]]
Thin strings of taught iron, thick enough to wrap a hand around. Meshing fingers in rows. Infrequent meals, and mental music etched in the dirt.\n\n[[You wake up.|The Garret]]
A mattock in hand, you begin moving the earth, shoring up the foundations your people have built. You haven't been told where the tower will go, but its height and aspiration causes the slightest smile in those working on it. After several hours, each lays their tools down, and [[returns home|What Was Left]], in unison.
Cities built upon cities, each bearing upon the weight of the other, fighting within the same space for a different name. Planets gleam pristine in the light sky.\n\nWith worn hands, the Builder asks "What do you build?"\n\n*<<choice "The Tower">>\n*<<choice "The Cage">>
You continue onto a causeway, that reaches above the surrounding landscape. Reminiscent of dry Roman aqueducts. The way [[continues for a while.|The Walkway Over Water]]\n
The gravel skritches under your footsteps. Heavy clouds drift across the grey sky. You [[continue walking.|The Broken Bridge]]\n
The gravel path continues on for what seems an eternity. It's almost silent asides from your footsteps. You must be the only one on the road. Slowly, [[the sound of water reaches your ears.|Wet Burble, Stone]]
You can feel the warmth on your face. Following it, a light breeze blows against you. You [[walk|Skritching]] against the wind.
An unnamed, nondescript and narrow street. No cars pass by, and the shuttered houses nearby press in, numberless. You [[hurry onward.|The Canal ]]
You are in a maze of twisty little passages, all alike.\n\n[[East?|The Maze ]]
A long paved walkway cuts through the surrounding fields. A signpost points the way. You [[continue walking.|The Arch]]\n
The strong mortared bricks in their printed place, fortelling the possible future, and the endeavors of the past.\n\n[[You wake up.|Blueprints]]
White powder heaped, and packed snow marking the way [[to the ascent.|Ravine]]
You take your creation from the desk, still wet with ink. You press the call button for [[the elevator.|The Elevator]]
You spread the sheet across the walnut table, and rap the hardwood for emphasis. "This is what we need." The Board agrees, and plans are [[put into motion.|Progress]]
The room thrums as the elevator [[shoots upward |Reception]] through the building, stainless steel and you.
A system pressing down in delineation. Moral laws represented in written text. Orange.\n\n[[You wake up.|The Garrett ]]
Everyone walks at a steady pace towards the horizon, traversing the featureless landscape. They walk in twos and threes, talking jovial amongst themselves in a semiconspiratorial fashion. It's not obvious where so many are going. You see something off [[to the side.|The Stream]]
It is loud. [[Walk|. ]]
Somehow, a small canal runs between the antipathic buildings. A pedestrian crossover unremarkably [[spans the gap.|The Park ]]
You snort awake, in a pile of half-filled paperwork. Morning light palely outlines the room.\n\nWorried that you are falling behind, you [[step out into the hall|The Halls]]
How can my mental projection of myself be associated with a physical object? Can teleportation be considered murder[[?|Change]]
You blink, and realize that you are standing amidst a pool of people, milling. You see several walking away, with what seems like confidence, and [[follow.|The Journey]]
Platonic forms dance, and write themselves into imagination. Concepts, stories, the possible worlds beyond the bards, all dance in concert, endlessly.\n\n[[You wake up.|Sleeping]]
The levy broke, and the river must have rushed through the lower sections of town. Several have been washed away, but the houses are close enough together for you to cross by [[roof.|Looted]]
They get to a certain point and [[then|The End]]\n\n
A gleaming marble bridge, mossy close to the river, passes over the water. On the other end, a marked path leads up to an old [[tree|The Treehouse]] on top of a hillside. \n