I Confess by René BennettPosted on September 4, 2020September 10, 2020 The Dictation of Sexuality in Mishima’s "Confessions of a Mask" CriticismInterdisciplinary Seminar20th century japan literature sexuality subjectivity
The No Photo Collection by Sarah Hee Joo HahnPosted on September 3, 2020October 7, 2020 Since the very first daguerreotype, photographs have been a way to capture a moment in time. What other media are able to encapsulate our memories? Arts WorkshopPortfoliomemory photography travel
Musical Listening in Practice and Performance by Jordan GoodPosted on September 1, 2020 We value a musician's completed compositions, technical virtuosity, or the ability of a performer to express emotion. But what about the value of listening? Advanced Writing CourseCreative Nonfictionimprovisation listening music performance repetition sound