Our apartment feels like a museum, not for lack of life lived –as marks on the wall from shoes tossed off after nights out where we carry each other would indicate– but because it has been curated in her image.
Feeds are flooded with videos of Japanese and Korean supermarkets, convenience stores, and 7/11s. What does it mean for Asians to be "next in line to disappear," when they are now made so increasingly visible in contemporary media?
While flying, telekinesis, super strength, and bending the space-time continuum are all well and cool, they wouldn't be possible without the labor of VFX artists. Entertainment news sources and anonymous testimonials by VFX workers see the on-screen CGI quality decline as a residual consequence of an even larger issue at hand: getting pixel-fucked from behind by Marvel. What exactly is pixel-fucking?
In West Africa, specifically within the Yorùbá society, the constructs of gender and sexuality as understood in the West did not exist there before European encounters.
"You’re wondering what they’re wearing and they’re making money off of your attention." How have the fashion aesthetics of the rich contributed to wealth inequality?
The practice of serializing a novel is older than the most well-known Victorian-era serial, Oliver Twist. Yet, why is the phenomenon re-emerging in 2022? When people today can access most media at all times, why choose to engage in a 125-year-old novel at a slow, serialized pace? Serialized literature or serialized content has always been present in societal media.
A visual information society, always susceptible to the mistrust of mediation, always fraught with anxiety about photography and the news, with their privileged relationship to the real, always worrying about the “truth”––these are observations already metabolized, and the exhibit does not take them in new directions, nor does it find new forms for its expressions.
The camera light blinks red every couple of seconds as a warning that I am not alone—yet my boss does not know that the eyes in the freezers and fridges behind me can see past industrial steel.