In the Teeth of the Most Terrifying Odds

In the Teeth of the Most Terrifying Odds

Photograph where two white concrete walls come to a corner; a security camera is near the center of the frame, blue sky in the background
Photograph of a twisted mass of white railing against a white sky; the shapes suggest the structure might be a roller coaster, but there's nothing to clearly put the image in the context of a larger scene
Photograph that is a closeup of bright green bags, filled with something lumpy; a few dried leaves on a twig emerge from one of them
Photograph of ivy on two side of a wall; the leaves one side are sun-blanched while the others are deep green
Black-and-white photograph of a person at the edge of the sea, back turned, in silhouette
Photograph of a man standing at a railing overlooking the sea; a large pole in the foreground obscures most of his form
Photograph of partially parted white curtains in the foreground, through the part, a dark room, where a round lighting fixture stands out against the background, almost like a full room
Very dark photograph showing the hinge of a partially opened door, the light coming though the frame makes an inverted L of orange and yellow on the otherwise black field


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