I Hope You Dance by Amelia HammerlPosted on October 29, 2015December 10, 2020 "'Experiential activity,' I repeat in my head, feeling the sensation of a slow but strong panic begin to creep in." Arts WorkshopCreative Nonfictiondance
Kale & Kismat by Sara MuslimPosted on October 29, 2015November 12, 2020 "What's going to happen at the end of this year?" A daughter's ideas diverge from her parents'. Arts WorkshopVideofamily marriage
Explosion at Sea by Richard SemusPosted on October 26, 2015October 1, 2020 "At dawn, the waves pull each other apart." Ekphrasis. Independent ProjectPoetrymedia translation poetry triptych
“Welcome to the New Age” by Mihika AgarwalPosted on October 26, 2015November 17, 2015 A song captured in painting. Independent ProjectPortfoliomedia translation
Separation Anxiety by Jonah RosenbergPosted on October 20, 2015September 29, 2020 "While I have been going to school and working in the photo industry, she has been faithfully carrying out the responsibilities of an 'international liaison officer' in the Israeli Defense Forces." A profile of a friendship. Advanced Writing CourseCreative NonfictionFriendship
The Ether by Leah Miller, Anthony Cao, Enzo De Palma, and Tyler PostiglionePosted on October 13, 2015March 13, 2024 "Imagine a near-future, post-singularity world where it is possible to download consciousness into new forms." FictionFirst-Year Research SeminarResearch
First Person, Present Tense by Izel VillarbaPosted on October 6, 2015November 12, 2020 One story. Multiple perspectives. Arts WorkshopVideo
125 2nd Avenue by Naomi PallasPosted on October 6, 2015September 29, 2020 "so blow the ash off my collarbones and / fill them with next door’s burning incense and indoor/ voices until there are no bricks on my ankles" Advanced Writing CoursePoetry
Storytellers by Alice LambertPosted on October 6, 2015September 29, 2020 Can modern fiction stand against modern injustice? First-Year Research SeminarResearch