
About Confluence

Confluence is an online platform for student writing, art, and research at NYU’s Gallatin School of Individualized Study. The work published on the site comes from teacher-nominated written and art works generated in courses, and independent projects commissioned by the student editors, as well as from the undergraduate student publications, exhibits curated in the Gallatin Galleries, and visual art and performances produced for the Gallatin Arts Festival.

About Gallatin

The Gallatin School of Individualized Study, a small, experimental college within New York University, gives students the opportunity to design a program of study tailored to their own needs and interests.  Gallatin provides a distinctive liberal arts education for a diverse student body. Our faculty foster passionate intellectual commitments from learners and prepare them for a world in which managing knowledge is key to success. Guided by the philosophy that self-directed learning is the key goal, the faculty seek to cultivate an environment conducive to intellectual exploration across traditional academic disciplines, and they insist on active student engagement in developing the direction of their own education. Our highly specialized and deeply engaged advisers guide students in their intellectual explorations toward an interdisciplinary approach to problem solving.

Confluence Staff

Student Editors

Student Editors-at-Large

Allison Argueta Claros
Logan Rozos
Melia Chendo

Editorial and Archival Assistant

Sawyer Gouw Ranzetta
Katherine Williams (2023-2024)
Kaarina Sorensen-Jarrett (2022)
Aliya Jones (2020-2022)


Corinne Butta
Allyson Paty (2013-2022)


Molly Kleiman

Design and Development

Luna Gaytan and E. James Ford


Corinne Butta, Writing Program Associate Director

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