Island Music by Julia TorresPosted on June 7, 2019April 15, 2021 "On balconies, in silence, my mind swaying with the music, / I’m thinking where does the ocean end and the sky begin? I’m thinking / when does the morning bus leave? I’m thinking how much for one more drink?" PoetryScholars Groupscolonialism dominican republic identity language music travel
Space by Lexi RiesenbergPosted on June 7, 2019February 27, 2024 A song that explores what it means to be an outsider taking over AudioScholars Groupsdominican republic music
Carnival Vegano Mask by Eliana KovacsPosted on May 21, 2019April 15, 2021 A painting inspired by La Vega Carnival Museum in the Dominican Republic. PortfolioScholars Groupsdominican republic masks painting
Todos Somos Mariposas by MariVi MadiedoPosted on May 16, 2019April 15, 2021 A painting inspired by images from a trip to the Dominican Republic. PortfolioScholars Groupsdominican republic painting portraiture