Don’t be fooled we will always take our pride and joy wherever we go / Because that will never be left behind, nuestra alegria / Sin importar lo bueno o lo malo, ay que disfrutar de la vida como sea
"That’s something that we being undocumented go through. We don’t really know how we’ll do things, we just start them without really knowing the outcome."
In 1965, the Immigration and Nationality act was passed, subsequently changing the United State’s immigration policy in a major way. Since then, almost 59 million immigrants have been allowed to enter the nation.
While the fact that there has been an increase in immigration from Latin American countries is widely talked about, the forces that drive them to leave their native countries is not talked about nearly as often.
The political is inherently personal. Politics do not only affect how our country is run, it also affects each and every one of our lives in different ways....By choosing to focus on specific people’s experiences, it is much easier to humanize the people that are directly affected by the issue of immigration.