Bishop’s Visionary Seascapes by Sarah FischerPosted on March 14, 2019April 8, 2021 "The Bight" and "The End of March" cast light upon an invisible line that connects Elizabeth Bishop's earlier work to her later work. CriticismInterdisciplinary Seminaraging elizabeth bishop landscape poetry
The Art of Noticing by Delilah WellsPosted on October 11, 2018March 30, 2021 In 'Questions of Travel' Elizabeth Bishop's talent for assiduous observation becomes even more pronounced in the face of uncertainty. CriticismInterdisciplinary Seminarbrazil elizabeth bishop observation poetry travel
Bishop’s New York City Nightscapes by Sarah FischerPosted on October 11, 2018March 25, 2021 "'The Man-Moth' and 'Varick Street' are urban nightscapes, depicting a dark double of the world perceived in the light." CriticismInterdisciplinary Seminarelizabeth bishop New York City night