With son-mat in mind, the act of cooking transformed into a cycle of energy from the cook to the food and back again, with each dish fueling the creation of the next.
Darkness carries us forward, light makes space. We watch the world from the edge, waiting to be loved after death. In each breath, the resistance fights for sustenance.
In many cases, people are seen only as laborers, not as people. They aren’t treated with respect or dignity. And yet employees are expected to devote their lives to their jobs.
Feeds are flooded with videos of Japanese and Korean supermarkets, convenience stores, and 7/11s. What does it mean for Asians to be "next in line to disappear," when they are now made so increasingly visible in contemporary media?
My little church in a tiny town in New England where the winters get so cold you can’t feel the hair on your head, and the summers get so hot you wish you didn’t have any, has a slanted roof.
However malevolent food may seem in "Spirited Away," and in the gorging of ourselves we are advised against as children to thin mothers and health conscious fathers, it is a tool of inspiration and a mode of divine salvation.
The environment is more than plants and roads, including also how one is treated or perceived. All Black politics have an environmental dimension because Black people are still unable to simply exist in The United States.